
Creating hope, changing perspectives


Your free educational resource to understand male and female fertility. The Fertility Hub explores the latest research and treatment options available to you to help you to conceive. We work with some of the most trusted  international clinics who offer assisted reproduction treatments, including surrogacy, egg and sperm donation.


Fertility Hub is your one stop resource for information on assisted reproduction. Whether you are a patient who is coming to terms with a recent diagnosis or a healthcare professional who wants to keep abreast of developments in the field.

Ask us a question

The experienced team at the Fertility Hub would love to hear from you! We understand that infertility is a complex condition that can be very frustrating, but knowledge is power and we encourage you to get in touch and ask us for advice. We do not provide medical advice, but can help you along your journey and advise you on all the avenues that are open to you prior to consulting a medical specialist. If you need specific medical advice then we will happily put you in touch with one of our reliable healthcare partners.

Our service is free of charge, so please reach out to us today!

    Fertility treatment options

    If you have received a fertility diagnosis then you probably have a good idea of what treatment you might need to help you to conceive. However, if you have only recently discovered that you are having a problem, then why not use the ask a question feature and our team will direct you as to which fertility treatment options that you should investigate.

    eggs on ice


    In vitro fertilisation (IVF) is an assisted reproduction technique that helps couples overcome infertility issues.

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    Egg freezing

    There has been a dramatic improvement in the technique of egg freezing since the introduction of ‘Vitrification’ – the fast freezing of eggs.

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    For some women that are suffering with infertility the cause may be an incapable womb or that they have had a hysterectomy.

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    IVF with donor eggs or sperm

    For some couples, their only chance of achieving pregnancy could be with the use of either a donor egg or with donor sperm.

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    Embryo testing

    With advances in genetic testing, there are a number of procedure such as Pre Implantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD), Pre Implantation Genetic Screening and Pre Implantation Tissue Typing (PTT) that may help your chances of a successful pregnancy.

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    IUI is an assisted reproduction technique that places sperm directly in to the womb, in the hope that it swims to meet an egg and fertilizes. The process only takes about 10 minutes and is a painless procedure. The prepared sperm is inserted directly in to the womb via a catheter.

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