
Donor Conception Network Workshop


If you work with donor gamete recipients then you might be interested in attending the virtual Making it Real workshop organised by Donor Conception Network (DCN).

This one day event is aimed at professionals working with donor conception parents and prospective parents.

The following professionals are encouraged to attend:

  • fertility counsellors
  • psychologists
  • fertility nurses
  • embryologist
  • lawyers
  • donor coordinators
  • genetic counsellors
  • academics
  • clinicians.

This workshop aims to deepen your understanding of using donor eggs, sperm or embryos from a third party, including  surrogacy. DCN will explore how to help prospective parents consider from the outset the lifetime implications for the child and the family. They also look at how to support families as children grow up and circumstances, as well as interest levels, may change.

Attendance at this workshop will inform your policy and practice in helping you support your clients and patients in making decisions that are right for their future. You will have the opportunity to meet and network with the other attendees as well as DCN staff.

5 reasons to attend;

  1. Hear the experiences of parents and donor conceived adults – how do these families fare in the long term?
  2. Consider the place of the donor, the donor’s family and any genetic siblings or half-siblings in donor conception families, which is especially important in the run up to 2023.
  3. Hear how DNA testing is revolutionising the making of genetic connections and the implications of this for families.
  4. Listen to DCN’s unique experiences, covering nearly 30 years, of the long view of life for donor conception families.
  5. Feel better supported in your role in the fast changing world of donor conception.

DCN will share their experience and knowledge on the following subjects:

• The support needed by donor conception families before, during and after treatment
• The popularity of genetic testing companies and the impact of the removal of anonymity in the UK – with 2023 fast approaching are we ready?
• The services and resources offered by DC Network – and how these complement and build on information giving and counselling undertaken in clinics and elsewhere.

Intended learning outcomes are:

• Enhanced understanding of the need for full information and support for patients as choices are being made about their clinic choices, country for treatment as well as donor selection
• Ability to put counselling services in the context of other support and resources and future help that may be needed
• An understanding of the social and emotional issues of using donated gametes
• Information about the implications of the use of DNA and genetic testing websites
• Enhanced ability to reflect on the experiences of patients and clients.

Please register here.