
Getting through the two-week wait

In this blog, we have teamed up with our friends at viO Healthtech, manufacturers of the OvuSense™ range to help you during the two-week wait (TWW). This is the time after ovulation when you anxiously wait to see if your next period arrives or test to see if you are pregnant.

An agonising wait

The TWW can seem like an eternity if you’re nervous. So, we’ve put together this handy guide to help you pass the time and make the wait more bearable.

Reduce stress

The TWW is stressful, but you must remain positive and be as calm as possible. Stress has a huge impact on the body. Just keep reminding yourself that to achieve and sustain a pregnancy stress MUST be avoided.

10 Top tips

  1. Pamper yourself with a long soak in the bath, add candles and calming music.
  2. Take long walks with nature with your phone on silent. Regular exercise is important but don’t make it too strenuous.
  3. Try yoga and breathing exercises when you feel your stress levels start to rise.
  4. Drink herbal teas such as chamomile, lavender and passion flower.
  5. Arrange down time with family and friends but avoid alcohol and smoking!
  6. Keep hydrated with plenty of water to flush out toxins and keep your cervical mucus healthy.
  7. Take your mind off the wait by occupying yourself in the kitchen. Make yourself some healthy meals for the week with plenty of protein, grains, fresh vegetables and fresh fruit.
  8. Avoid caffeine while you are trying to conceive as it can delay ovulation. Remember caffeine is a stimulant and should also be avoided during the TWW as you want to be as relaxed as possible.
  9. Take prenatal vitamins and supplements under the advice of your healthcare provider. The supplements help to prepare your body for pregnancy and support it when you are pregnant.
  10. Finally, get as much sleep and rest as you can during this time. Treat your body as though you are pregnant.


Try to avoid taking a pregnancy test until you have missed your period. If you already use OvuSense™, then keep monitoring your Continuous Core Body Temperature (CCBT). If your CCBT stays high after ovulation, then this indicates that your progesterone is staying high too. Don’t worry too much if it drops a little.

If your CCBT temperature increases after ovulation, and particularly if it keeps increasing then this indicates that implantation make have taken place. Don’t get your hopes up too much, and again, don’t worry if you don’t see this, not all pregnancies result in this secondary rise.

If you haven’t used OvuSense™ before, then we’d recommend you look at the skin-worn monitoring system called OvuFirst™. This can help you look for those changes in temperature after ovulation easily.

Once the TWW is over and your period doesn’t arrive, it is time to take a pregnancy test. You may be experiencing signs of early pregnancy, or it could be just PMS.

Home pregnancy test

A pregnancy test works by detecting the presence of a pregnancy hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in your urine. hCG is produced by the body after implantation of a fertilised egg in the uterus.

Early pregnancy hormones

The TWW is a time of high pregnancy hormone levels. The hormones that are most important during this time are oestrogen and progesterone. These hormones help the whole process of getting pregnant and support the implantation of the embryo.

A pregnancy test will be able to detect hCG levels as low as 25 mIU/ml. Some tests may be able to detect lower levels of hCG, but these tests are not commonly available over the counter.

False positive

A false positive pregnancy test occurs when a woman tests positive for pregnancy, but she is not actually pregnant. This can be caused by several factors, such as medications or hormone disorders.

False negative

A false negative pregnancy test occurs when a pregnancy test gives a negative result, but you are pregnant. This can be due to incorrect use of the test, or you may get a negative result if you test too early, technically that’s not a false negative but just be aware you can still be pregnant but get a negative test result.

If in doubt get a second opinion by carrying out a blood test with your doctor. Your doctor or health care provider can discuss your fertility treatment options if you need them.

Veronica Montgomery, Publisher

The Fertility Hub