Can a correction in blood sugar levels improve fertility? Treatment of male infertility with aromatase inhibitors HfpEF is more prevalent in women Update - Platelet Rich Plasma Making stress management part of IVF treatment Combined function endoscopy Printed Sperm Improving implantation rates for women with abnormal BCL6 and/or Beta 3 Saliva test for endometriosis Of hamsters and men Recapitulating spindle stability in human eggs Does vaccine affect menstrual cycle? New hope for uterine factor infertility Diagnostic testing for male infertility improved Non-inheritable mutations in male infertility Implant device to monitor infertility Severe COVID-19 and the risk to male fertility Sperm hyperactivation phase crucial to locating the egg PCOS and strategies for obesity management Mosaic embryos can produce healthy babies COVID-19 and IVF outcomes Sertoli cells and unruly genes Infertility linked to higher rate of post menopausal breast cancer The definition of infertility Undiagnosed endometriosis impeding fertility treatment Hepatitis B effects on a natural and assisted pregnancy Combating obesity in boys may protect their future fertility A droplet to thicken the uterus lining Consequences of sepsis in pregnancy and other infections New gene discovered in male fertility The reason for decline at 35 Of mice and men Embryo research is unlocking the future Shortening the time to pregnancy in poor ovarian responders No correlation between ADHD and ART New study on the risk of breast cancer from fertility treatments Twitch, roll and yaw AMH receptor binding is distinct from other type II receptors Shake your tail feather The role of testosterone in the development of endometriosis Low testosterone linked to higher COVID-19 risk Artificial Intelligence used to predict male infertility Atypical vaginal temperature patterns Fertility versus longevity Stem cell model can generate early embryonic structures Mask up to keep it up: COVID-19 and erectile dysfunction Y, oh Y? 37 is the new 35 Update on gut flora composition and female infertility Is PCOS an equal opportunity pathology? Optimising fertility in obese women The GnRH pulse generator Reassuring research in COVID-19 vaccination during pregnancy Ending the myths around HPV vaccine and infertility Air pollution and infertility Aftermath of COVID-19 on male fertility The relationship between obese mothers and their children developing metabolic diseases Specific epigenetic biomarkers in human sperm associated with autism in offspring Mechanisms underlying male infertility Can a mother’s weight have an impact on the fertility of her offspring? Using sound waves to select sperm Physiological link between stress and infertility explored Study of pre-eclampsia identifies shared genetic BMI and blood pressure risks New research on the impact of COVID19 on male fertility Extensive research highlights effect of diet on sperm quality Contraception and fertility/fecundability update Identifying genetic variants associated with reproductive success Why are sperm cells so temperature sensitive? Male awareness of lifestyle impact on fertility Mammalian ovarian operating manual decoded Over-exchange of DNA may result in chromosome defects that cause infertility Impact of IBD on female fertility rates Allowing for loss of vitrified oocytes Decline in male fertility in the west continues to be an issue Metformin: the role for overweight women with PCOS who undergo IVF What is the effect of moderate drinking on male fertility? Uterine Fibroids The genetics of male infertility Gamete signalling Bottle-grown spermatogonial stem cells New recommendations for time lapse technology Questionable value of endometrial scratch to IVF patients Could a hair strand accurately test fertility? Biodegradable scaffolds: the future of treatment for uterine dysfunction? Genetic mutation rate: a predictor for reproductive lifespan in women? Forever chemicals and early menopause Observations of gastrulation models may provide some insights into infertility Social media and infertility Inflammatory response markers associated with infertility and endometriosis New potential causes of female infertility Atypical vaginal temperature patterns: a means of identifying not-yet-recognised causes of infertility? Rescuing female fertility in the future Antioxidant therapy may mitigate damage to fertility caused by environmental toxins Mortality risks for infertile men and women COVID19 case studies in New York City Autologous stem cell transplantation HPV vaccines and infertility Insights into female fertility after chemotherapy Key protein identified in male infertility Assessing and managing pregnant women with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 Coronavirus and perinatal outcomes The impact of stress on ART patients Helping premature babies to breathe Creation of germ cells Rare causes of male infertility Explaining unexplained infertility What are the reproductive risks for advanced paternal age? New factors affecting the onset of menopause Rare causes of male infertility Do zinc and folic acid boost male fertility? Influenza update - the case for giving good advice about the flu vaccine Ovarian cancer and infertility treatment Perceptions of egg donation Vitamin D may significantly increase chances of live birth Surrogacy is a positive experience for the family of the gestational mother Future options to preserve male fertility Irregular periods may portend a shorter life Psychosocial outcomes for children conceived via ART Telomeres The Mediterranean Diet Fertility issues and cancer risks in women Increased BMI and IVF Breast and gynaecological cancer risk and infertility IVF birth weights increased over 25 years Antioxidants New technology Marijuana and male fertility