Splash them on your face, spray them in your armpits, apply them to your eyelids, apply them to your lips and rinse them through your hair! Shampoos, deodorants, soaps, pastes, creams and scrubs [...]
Obviously, drinking alcohol during pregnancy is a no-no. The jury has been in on that one since the early 1970s, and you won’t find anyone these days talking about a safe limit for drinking [...]
Knowing how to prepare your body for pregnancy can be an overwhelming challenge. There is so much information out there and not all of it is helpful! But there are tried and tested methods that [...]
Sprouts are also for life, if you are trying to create one. Brussels Sprouts are named after their popularity in Belgium. They are a leaf vegetable about 2.5cm in diameter and resemble a small [...]
The Internet is like a massive library with sections for every genre of information. Like a major library it has a coffee shop, a place to meet, a place to stage events and a huge notice board. [...]
The Fertility Hub were delighted to host the recent virtual Women’s Health Study Day on behalf of Herts Fertility. It was a fantastic day with an excellent agenda of experts in the field sharing [...]
The European Society for Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE) Annual Congress has just taken place virtually last week. The online delegates were warned of concerns about chemicals found in [...]
A new study from the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Germany shows the prehistoric gene and identifies its role in fertility and pregnancy. It’s long been known that [...]
Whilst in our current situation, there are plenty of ways to prepare for treatment when restrictions start to ease up. When you are trying to conceive, diet and exercise are important, but so is [...]
In many countries drivers are required to have an annual roadworthy test. This test focuses on the safety of a vehicle, looking at tyres, brakes, lights, seat belts and exhaust emissions. This [...]