
Help for PCOS patients

Here at The Fertility Hub, we see a lot of products to help couples conceive. One that keeps coming up is Inofolic® Alpha and everything we hear is positive. So, let’s take an in depth look at this supplement and see what makes it so unique, especially for Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) patients.

Firstly, it is an ideal supplement for women suffering with PCOS. PCOS patients usually have difficulty in conceiving. It has been clinically proven to restore ovulation in 95% of PCOS women after 3 months use. It comes highly recommended by many UK fertility specialists.

What is it?

Inofolic® Alpha is a unique formulation of myo-inositol, alpha-lactalbumin (whey milk protein) and folic acid. This makes it 52% more effective than myo-inositol alone.

It helps control:

  1. Insulin resistance, which affects 65-80% of PCOS women. This is the primary cause of increased male hormones, which negatively impact fertility.
  2. Microbes in the gut. Women with PCOS have a different balance of gut bacteria that can reduce the absorption of nutrients, including myo-inositol. Improved absorption of myo-inositol can help better control insulin levels and hormone balance.
  3. Chronic inflammation, which is a key contributor to the development of PCOS. If you have high inflammation markers, it is likely that you will have higher testosterone levels.

It helps women with PCOS to ovulate whilst reducing insulin resistance and chronic inflammation.

PCOS and infertility

Inofolic® Alpha restores ovulation in women and improves egg quality. If you have PCOS, it is likely that a hormonal imbalance is impacting your fertility. Eggs may not develop as they should or an egg may not be released (anovulation). PCOS can also cause missed or irregular periods.

If you have PCOS, you may have excess androgens (male hormones) in your body, this can be due to insulin resistance and inflammation. This means that you may not get a surge of Luteinizing hormone (LH) each month.

LH is made in your pituitary gland and a surge of LH tells the ovaries to complete maturation of the egg and release it. Without the LH surge, you won’t ovulate even though you might be having a period.

Excessive male hormones can lead to:

  • Poor quality eggs
  • Anovulation (No ovulation)
  • Irregular or absent periods.

Inofolic® Alpha doesn’t just improve fertility it can treat all aspects of PCOS.

By combining myo-inositol, folic acid and alpha-lactalbumin, Inofolic® Alpha:

  • Stimulates the good microbes growing in your intestines thus increasing the absorption rate of myo-inositol
  • Reduces inflammation
  • Encourages the production of melatonin, which helps improve the quality of your eggs.

When should you take it?

If you are a PCOS sufferer then you should take it for life as it helps to regulate the hormone levels within your body and reduces symptoms.

  • Over 50% of women were free from acne after 6 months of treatment with Inofolic Alpha.
  • After 6 months treatment, 1/3 women had no excessive hair whilst the remaining 2/3 saw significant improvement.

If you are trying to conceive you should take Inofolic® Alpha to regulate ovulation and improve egg quality. It takes approximately 3 months to develop an egg cell, so take Inofolic® Alpha for at least 3 months to give yourself the best chance of conceiving.

If you are already pregnant then there are benefits to taking Inofolic® Alpha that include:

  1. Reducing the incidence of pre-eclampsia (high blood pressure)
  2. Reducing the risk of developing gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) from 54% to 17.4%
  3. Reduce overall weight gain through pregnancy.

Pregnant PCOS women are at an increased risk of developing diabetes, pre-eclampsia and may have an abnormally large baby. Taking this supplement throughout your pregnancy reduces the risks to you and your unborn baby.

Please click here to order.

Watch this short video on Inofolic Alpha by Dr Gillian Lockwood, Medical Director and Fertility Specialist.