Mr. Himanshu Borase, Lead Fertility Consultant, West Herts NHS Trust and his team would like to invite you to their 6th Annual Women’s Health Study Day that is now available to stream!
In a series of 8 lectures over the day, experts from around the world will present on topics of interest to Reproductive Medicine Consultants, Trainees, GPs, Nurses and Midwives.
Ms. Alka Prakesh, Lead Consultant for Reproductive Medicine, Cambridge University Hospitals will present on IVF complications.
Ms. Alka Prakesh, Lead Consultant for Reproductive Medicine, Cambridge University Hospitals
The link will be available for 6 months for all participants.
Chair’s Welcome – Mr. Himanshu Borase – Consultant, West Hertfordshire Hospitals NHS Trust
Latest Developments and Service Updates in Hertfordshire – Mr. Himanshu Borase – Consultant, West Hertfordshire Hospitals NHS Trust
Adolescent Gynaecology Problems – Ms. Nanda Shetty – Consultant, West Hertfordshire Hospitals NHS Trust
Preconception Counselling – Mrs. Anku Mehta – Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist, West Hertfordshire Hospitals NHS Trust
Menopause Updates – Dr. Neelima Dixit – Consultant, Western Sussex Hospitals
Endometriosis & Infertility – Mr. Harish Bhandari, Consultant Obstetrician & Gyneacologist, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
IVF Complications – Ms. Alka Prakash, Lead Consultant for Reproductive Medicine, Cambridge University Hospitals
IVF Add Ons – How Necessary Are They? – Professor Charles Kingsland, Medical Director, Care Fertility Liverpool
Genetic Tests in IVF – Mr. Reza Nasr, Independent Fertility Consultant
All delegates will receive a certificate of attendance.
Registration form
This study day is worth 4 CPD points and costs £75 for Consultants and GPs, £40 for trainees and £35 for nurses, midwives and allied healthcare staff.