Home Sperm Test

Take the male fertility quiz!

The team at ExSeed Health are dedicated to improving sperm quality! Through their programme of sperm analysis testing kits that are performed in the privacy of your own home they can give you a detailed breakdown on sperm quality. The ExSeed programme can then advise on lifestyle changes that can improve the quality of your sperm.

The ExSeed product range includes supplements and a lifestyle coaching programme to get your swimmers on track.

If you are just curious about your sperm quality, are actively trying to conceive or know you have an issue with your sperm, why not take the male fertility quiz to get a detailed report of what you can be doing to get things back on track.

Take a look at the quiz here. If you are interested in purchasing a home sperm test, then you can benefit from a 17% discount by using the code fertilityhub on the 5 test kit. To purchase the two kit test use code fertilityhub_2test and get a 15% discount. Please click here to purchase.